November 15, 2016

Plagued by Slow Flush? How to Revive a Sluggish Toilet

Do you have a sluggish toilet? Do you find yourself standing, hand poised on the lever, while the contents make a few leisurely circuits of the bowl before slowing to a halt? Does it take two, three, even four flushes to finish each trip to the porcelain facility? If you answered "Yes" to any of these questions, you may have a sluggish toilet. The good news is that if you're reasonably handy, you may not need to call a plumber to get things working right.


Diagnosing a Slow-Flushing Toilet

The key to recognizing a sluggish commode is that the condition usually develops slowly instead of overnight. Even if that's the case, before diving into this project run a simple test. Fill a bucket or large pan with about a gallon of water. Dump the water into the bowl: don't do this gently, just upend the bucket to get the water in as fast as possible. If your toilet still doesn't flush, you probably have a blockage that requires cleaning out the sewer line. If flushing looks normal, your toilet is just sluggish.